Category: Gamedev
LD29 compo entry
My Ludum Dare #29 compo entry is up. Play it here. Source
Ludum Dare #29
It’s almost time for Ludum Dare! This will be the fourth time in a row that I’m participating, my previous submissions are available here. Depending on the theme and what ideas I get from it, I’ll probably use Unity or Flashpunk, we shall see. I’ll also use github this time around to host my codebase.…
Initial tests with OpenFL and HaxePunk
The past couple of Ludum Dares I’ve been using FlashPunk for my entries, and I’ve now moved on to some initial test with Haxe, OpenFL and HaxePunk. Since I’ve used FlashPunk quite a bit lately, I felt right at home. And thanks to OpenFL, multi-platform deployment is a breeze. The only issue I had between…
Wookiee Clicker
What else can one think about, when trying Cookie Clicker for the first time, than Wookie Clicker?
LD #26
I finished my first ever entry for Ludum Dare, in time for the compo. you can go here to play my entry. The theme was minimalism. The page for my entry on LD can be found here. I wrote the entry using AS3 and the Flashpunk framework. The music was created using musagi. Download the source…