Category: Coding

  • Starbringer


    My first serious shmup project, I started this a couple of years ago. Initially I did what I felt like, but it quickly became evident that there’s a lot more to a shmup than meets the eye. So I started looking around the shmup community to figure out what makes a good shmup, and have…

  • LD31 compo entry

    I decided to try something new for LD31, and picked Construct 2 to create my entry with. I’m not that fond of the scripting system in Construct 2, since it can get quite unwieldy and hard to debug. I noticed this when trying to implement a state machine of sorts, especially when things weren’t working…

  • LD30 compo entry

    LD30 compo entry

      Play it here.  

  • LD29 compo entry

    LD29 compo entry

    My Ludum Dare #29 compo entry is up. Play it here. Source

  • Ludum Dare #29

    It’s almost time for Ludum Dare! This will be the fourth time in a row that I’m participating, my previous submissions are available here. Depending on the theme and what ideas I get from it, I’ll probably use Unity or Flashpunk, we shall see. I’ll also use github this time around to host my codebase.…

  • Initial tests with OpenFL and HaxePunk

    Initial tests with OpenFL and HaxePunk

    The past couple of Ludum Dares I’ve been using FlashPunk for my entries, and I’ve now moved on to some initial test with Haxe, OpenFL and HaxePunk. Since I’ve used FlashPunk quite a bit lately, I felt right at home. And thanks to OpenFL, multi-platform deployment is a breeze. The only issue I had between…